Master Survivor Premium Consultation

Have the experts told you that you were going to die? Do you want to live beyond Ph.D? With Master Survivor Program Premium Consultation you will get wisdom that is not mainstream.

Defying Death: How Faith Transformed Me into a Survivor

How many times in your life have you faced death? Dr. Johnny has looked death in eye several times especially in 1992. But more to the point you may ask, why the skull? The answer is deeper than most people realize and that is because when the doctors, family and friends kept telling me I was going to die, in my gut I knew they were all wrong because I believe God is the only one who really knows when we are going to die. In my communication with God I heard him saying that I was going to live. I decided to listen to God and ask him to show me the way to live.

I did not believe what the expert medical doctors, the lawyers in my family or the professors at the university kept telling me that I was going to die if I did not do what the doctors said and get the liver transplant. When I refused, they said I was delirious. Many of these experts telling me I was going to die had higher institution degrees in upper level education, doctors lawyers and professions etc.. But the real story was I had

a conversation with God and made a decision to live because I was looking “Beyond PhD” and transformed into a Master Survivor.

Ridicule became my saving grace. When everyone was calling delirious and telling me I was going to die, I became emboldened. My belief in God became a fire of a Master Survivor. It became so strong that I quit training in Kung Fu and started running marathons. But the ridicule did not stop and it came from some very extraordinary places, even in my visions and dreams.

When death looked me in the eye, he made me an offer. Some call him the Grim Reaper and that skull spoke to me: He said “We have a big sale going on right now, half price.” But I responded in true Dr. Johnny fashion and declared, “I am not buying.” He was disappointed and disappeared. At that point Johnny was even more liberated and not only as a Master Survivor but I transformed even further into the Golden Mean of Wisdom and saw clearly the simple steps to take to live and help others recover from disease.

Have the experts told you that you were going to die? Do you want to live beyond Ph.D? With Master Survivor Program Premium Consultation you will get wisdom that is not mainstream. It is a two year journey and Dr. Johnny will walk with you every step of the way. If you truly want to become a Master Survivor then purchase MSPPC today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Master Survivor Program Premium Consultation (MSPPC)

  • Doctors never explain to me why I keep having this problem, how are you different?

    Medical doctors address systems of the body, for example with heart problems, are addressing the pulmonary system. All I do with the Master Survivor Program is balancing the minerals in the cells and when the cells are balanced then all the systems work better and are balanced.

  • What is the main emphasis of Premium Consultation?

    The core is the ancient Greek medicine lead by Hippocrates who said, “first do no harm and let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. So the main emphasis is coaching you on your diet.

  • How do we communicate with you once we have Premium Consultation?

    All HTMA consultations are by phone and further inquiries and questions are posted by email and Dr. Johnny will answer you right away.

  • What is the main objective of MSPPC?

    With all the different lab tests offered by the Master Survivor Program. Dr. Johnny will be available to assist in the interpretation of the data and put into a recovery road map to help the patient with their questions.

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John Hopkins Medicine suggests 5 foods to improve your digestion, they are Whole Grains, Leafy Greens, Lean Protein, Low Fructose Fruits(berries), Avocado. Well Dr Johnny totally agrees that fits right into the Mediterranean Diet from ancient Greek Health Wisdom which is the core of The Master Survivor Program. According to UC Davis; “The Mediterranean diet is a well- researched way of eating that can help improve overall health. It focuses on whole, plant-based foods and healthy fats. These are scientifically proven to reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease.” They continue: “The Mediterranean diet consists of many foods found in regions that border the Mediterranean Sea. These types of foods provide a variety of vitamins and nutrients that nourish our body. Food groups that are part of the Mediterranean diet include: Fruits and vegetables Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds Beans and legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans Whole grains like whole wheat bread, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta Fish and seafood Healthy fats and oils, including extra virgin olive oil and avocado and nut oils” This is exactly what Dr. Johnny has been promoting for over 40 years to all of his patients and they maintain a healthy gut. In fact, when you submit your hair sample, Dr. Johnny will run the analysis in the lab and produce your hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) report. This is why America needs the Master Survivor Program more than ever. The HTMA is number one starting point and it provides a road map for better health. In the report you will have a detailed and comprehensive outline of the foods you eat and it follows the Mediterranean Diet all taken from your chemistry. Therefore weight loss is easier for the ones on a diet and if you are in sport competition your Performance Benefits are enormous. I want to give you six points of how it helps the athlete and those wanting to get in better shape mentally and physically. Following the HTMA road map will improve Mental Clarity and Focus The brain is a chemical organ, and requires a vast array of nutrients for proper functioning. All toxic metals interfere with the central nervous system, leading to impaired mental functioning. These toxic metals can be elimination following the road map of the HTMA . This will be correcting biochemical imbalances and leads to improved mental focus and functioning. Coordination, clarity, awareness, judgment and a quick response time are a major part of all athletic performance. Balancing the mineral levels in all the cells including the brain by following the diet and supplement schedule will be the edge you need to have a better workout or win that race. Following the HTMA road map will provide Prevention of Injury and Burnout Chronic fatigue and burnout physiology are common conditions among athletes and people who push themselves past their limits. Particularly later in the season, Colds, flu, pneumonia and other illnesses will plague many athletes, especially those who travel and train and work out hard. The HTMA report identifies your stress level and shows ways to improve that using food. By correcting the stress levels before things go down hill will help you recover quicker, get more rest and maintain that competitive edge. Following the HTMA road map will create a Strong Immune System and provide more Resistance to Infection Nutritional imbalances cause weak joints, tendons and ligaments, excessive inflammation and muscle tears. Properly balancing body chemistry can help avoid injuries by maintaining stronger and more flexible ligaments, tendons and muscles. Staying on the HTMA schedule will keep balanced mineral ratios and speed recovery from fractures, sprains, strains and muscle fatigue. Following the HTMA road map will bring Improved Recovery from Workouts and Injuries A low sodium/potassium ratio and/or an abnormal phosphorus level is associated with excessive protein breakdown or catabolism. A chronic catabolic state can impair or even prevent the normal healing of sports injuries. The body requires many nutrients for healing injuries, including zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium and a variety of vitamins all in their proper balance. With the corrected nutrition amounts and combinations, healing results improve rapidly. Following the HTMA road map will show the Safe Use of Dietary Supplements getting only what your body needs. Most athletes take a variety of nutritional supplements, some of which are unnecessary, incorrect, or may be dangerous. One problem is they maybe getting too much of two or more vitamins or minerals. A thorough assessment and analysis of the athlete's diet, nutrient mineral balance, and toxic load provides important parameters to help determine the correct supplementation needed to balance and enhance body chemistry. Only the HTMA can tell the exact amounts of foods and supplements you need. Following the HTMA road map is the best Weight Management tool because the body will balance out on its own and get your weight under your control. Stubborn problems with food cravings and weight control plague some athletes, because they have too much of some elements and not enough of others. Consequently, professional athletes have shorter life spans and eat a lot of calories while training, but then when they stop training hard they keep eating the same way and stay out of balance. The HTMA provides specific data that when followed can assist with both weight gain and weight loss as well as eliminating the arthritis and joint problems by offering a scientific and individualized plan solving the problem safely and effectively. Many of my patients don't realize that we also do the hair tissue analysis HTMA on horses and dogs. So if you are worried about your fury four legged member of the family; your dog or horses when they compete in shows or races there is no better way to keep them in the winner's circle than following their diet and supplement schedule of their HTMA . Both canine and equine hair can be tested at my lab and if the HTMA is followed then your four legged loved one will have shiny healthy coats and quick responses to commands because their stress has been minimized. Some of my four legged clients have won AKA blue ribbons and have placed in the top 10 of the Breeder's Cup. The price for canine and equine HTMA is $250 and you get a comprehensive report. Most of my tell me that their dog and horse are all natural and refuse to give them vaccines. With analysis of the mineral profile we can determine what is lacking and what is needed. The HTMA is the most valuable diagnostic to find the right foods to help you and your dog or horse. For the owners following the HTMA, they will adhering closer to the Mediterranean Diet and have a healthy gut.
A diagram of the causes of upper and lower abdominal stomach symptoms
By Johnny Delirious January 29, 2025
Antibiotics gave many people false hope. On the one hand they saved people from dying from a terminal bacterial infection, however the long term effects can have disastrous resulting in problems in the stomach, upper and lower digestive track. Like most pharmaceutical drugs there are side effects. One of those is they damage the microbiome. They create dysbiosis and this means from the stomach to your colon your gut never gets back to normal. Over the years the microbiome balance is lost forever. Many people don't realize how important a role the microbiome plays in keeping people healthy. The microbiome literally keeps the brain going, it is that important. So taking care of your gut microbiome and keeping it balanced should be a top priority after taking a course of antibiotics we all want to keep our brain going. Some people say, “Well I don't take drugs or antibiotics so my gut health is fine.” I wish this were true however, more than eighty percent of the population eat fast food and get too many toxins and many are in the form of pesticides like from RoundUp or specifically its main ingredient, glyphosate.
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By Johnny Delirious January 15, 2025
Your gut and specifically your microbiome determines what kind of mood you are in. Why is the microbiome is so important? Most people don't even realize we; us humans are less than one millionth of a percent of life on Earth, just a tiny niche, and this microbiome in our gut is truly what gives us life. But most of my patients and my listeners to my radio show don't understand what the microbiome is. Just remember damage to the gut is also damage to the microbiome and the brain. So how does gut damage happen? Right now, I want to use the term plasticity in a more interesting way, so lets look at genomic plasticity. Typically, we think of neuro-plasticity, meaning, that our connections in the brain can actually begin the restructure of new synapses, dendrites, to enhance action of our neurons. We also have a genome that can express radically differently through epigenetic modulation. I have talked to my patient about the diversity of the microbiome and some of you heard me mention there are literally quadrillions of bacteria inside us and they are diverse. We are walking around 10s of thousands of different species of just the bacteria.

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