Do you want to be a Master Survivor?
Death looked me in the eye and I choose life! Maybe you are like me and want to live. If you already ordered your HTMA and now purchase the Master Survivor Program Premium Consultation, then you are entitled to the full program of me working with you for two years to attain happiness, balanced health and graceful aging. What that means is you will experience profound health secrets that are not found anywhere else and unlimited coaching from me by email whenever you have a question.
In my workshops I used to say, “if you are healthy you are happy and if you are always happy you are healthy.” Happiness is our goal. With that said please realize that using the HTMA for balancing the body’s minerals to attain vibrant health is the gateway to happiness. It’s all about balance of minerals in the cells. The HTMA is a lost and unknown science. Today, I bring you this hidden wisdom to restore your health.
Part of this Master Survivor Program Premium Consultation offer is for you to do the 3Rs Total Gut Restoration Kit to balance the digestive track. The 3Rs program is so important in order to have a balance in the microbiome and will eliminate leaky gut and allergies in less than 4 months following the protocol. This is remarkable! After 120 days people are able to eat things that they were once allergic to like gluten and peanuts.
If my patients are serious about becoming a Master Survivor and getting healthy, they follow the Master Survivor Program Premium Consultation.When they make that decision to become a Master Survivor they are choosing life even when death looks them in the eye. The core healing track is the supplement and diet recommendations from the HTMA based on their biochemistry. We should retest with new hair every 6 months because your body chemistry changes and then you will have a new diet and supplement schedule to follow. This shows the progress you have made and where you are going. With Dr. Johnny's guidance and if you are diligent with your diet and supplement schedules; you the patient will gain health and wisdom that is truly Beyond Ph.D and breakthrough all your healing plateaus. A life of happiness and wellness can be yours by clicking BUY NOW and get started to become a Master Survivor right away.
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