Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA): Whole Family Mineral Balance Including Canine & Equine

Unlock Vitality: Balance Minerals for Optimal Vitamin Absorption by Understanding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Unless we have a balance of minerals in the body we can not properly use our vitamins. The right food combinations provided by the HTMA is the only way we can balance the minerals and therefore get the vitamins we need. 

The HTMA provides the dietary road map to follow where we gain insight from this biochemical data and discover the right food to balance your cell and body chemistry. This unique laboratory testing reveals what your body and cells are doing. Scalp hair works fine, but if you dye your hair please submit a full sample from the pubic region. How much hair do you need? Click here to see a sample.

Once we run the analysis, then we can provide a complete comprehensive report showing the activity of 37 minerals, toxic and trace metal levels and ratios in your body with food and diet recommendations for 6 months plus a free one hour telephonic consultation with Dr. Johnny.

To proceed you will print out the HTMA form by clicking the tab below. On the printed copy fill out ONLY the fields high-lighted in yellow. DO NOT PUT YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER ON THE LAB FORM OR FILL IN ANY OTHER INFORMATION. For complete payment information click "Buy Now". Then on the next page pay with a credit card by choosing the tab that says "Add to Bag" and pay the shopping cart. To pay by check or money order follow the simple directions 1- 10. 

Dr. Johnny Speaks Aboutthe Importance of Mineral Analysis

Jim Davenport taught me the secrets of the HTMA, Hippocrates and Ancient Greek Medicine taught me the secrets of food therapy. 

With a balance of diet, the cells create a high electrical out put which is one of the main ways to keep us from getting cancer.

The balance of minerals in the cells help make all the enzymes to keep our hormones in balance, whatever is missing we get from supplements from the lab.

Mineral Analysis for the Whole Family, Canine & Equine

Whether we are testing Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs or Korean and Chinese War Lords or a Dog and Horse Family, these are the Best of Times – everyone needs the HTMA to stay healthy.

Whether it was with Davenport Laboratories in the 1970-80s or Trace Elements today, for over 40 years Dr. Johnny has always delivered the most accurate HTMA.

Today, we live in the best of times because we have the HTMA to keep us all on track physically and mentally. We know by using the Mineral Analysis for testing we can maintain the mineral balance of everyone in your family. We use the food recommendations to stay on point with good health, balanced hormones and mental clarity. With the HTMA we not only test husband, wife and children but also the horses and dogs; your four legged family members! In all cases by following the diet and supplement schedule, the body will always repair and adjust when it has the right foods based on your unique body chemistry. Then the body transforms into healing mode and the chemistry will change usually after 4 or 6 months from taking the first HTMA. Yes, a new biochemistry in the metabolism takes place and a new HTMA will be needed. There is no set diet or supplement schedule that will always be right year after year. Therefore, testing every 6 months with the HTMA will target exactly what the body needs as it changes to better chemistry to facilitate continued wellness and harmony. My goal has always been to keep my patients healthy and happy. This way they live in the best of times.

HTMA for Dogs

Many of our four legged canine patients are in competitions like agility or perform life saving tasks like their service to the blind, or they create fun for the whole family in the disk dog trials where they catch frisbees. From military service to sniffing out explosive ordinance for police the service dogs are truly man's best friend and they have saved those suffering in times of need. Dr. Johnny's canine HTMA has the best health mineral information to keep your four legged pouch on top of their game.

Dr. Johnny will provide the lab forms you need plus instructions for hair sample collection. You can purchase the Canine HTMA on the blue tab below for $250.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis for Horses

Don't your chance to win the Breeder's Cup this year. Take steps today for your horses competitor to win. The analysis is the smart approach to help owners of their horses balance minerals for better health and performance. Nearly all horses problems have a basis in nutrition and mineral availability of the cells.

With mineral imbalance on the cellular level the follow could occur:

  • Unhealthy hooves
  • Nervousness
  • Slow wound healing
  • Body soreness

The report will also show heavy metal toxicity. The symptoms vary widely but some sure signs of heavy metals are:

  • Aggression
  • Allergies
  • Reproductive issues
  • Colic

As a preventative measure the information from the analysis can be used to avoid:

  • DSLD
  • Tendon/Ligament Inelasticity
  • Cushing/IR/Hypothyroidism
  • Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy.

All HTMAs will provide a comprehensive report showing graphs and levels of over 37 different minerals and heavy toxic metals. Each profile is unique and the analysis will reveal certain biochemical conditions, common symptoms or levels outside the normal range.

With this thorough analytical data, a custom supplement program is outlined specifically to help your family, dog or horse. Following this protocol will provide a mineral balance which will enable your family members to flush out toxins and heavy metals. The result for the owners, for their horse or dog to achieve better health and performance.

Dr. Johnny will provide the lab forms you need plus instructions for hair sample collection. You can purchase the Equine HTMA on the blue tab below for $250.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

  • What is hair mineral analysis or HTMA?

    Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair. The sampled hair, obtained by cutting the first inch and one-half of growth closest to the scalp at the nape of the neck, is prepared in a licensed clinical laboratory through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures. Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results.

  • Why use the hair? Why not use the blood?

    Hair is ideal tissue for sampling and testing. First, it can be cut easily and painlessly and can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. Second, clinical results have shown that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long term or even acute exposure.

    A HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development.


    • Thirty to 40 days following an acute exposure, elevated serum levels of lead may be undetectable. This is due to the body removing the lead from the serum as a protective measure and depositing the metal into such tissues as the liver, bones, teeth and hair.
    • Nutrient loss from the body can become so advanced that severe health conditions can develop without any appreciable changes noted in those same nutrient levels in a blood test.
    • Symptoms of elemental deficiency can be present long before low levels can be detected in the serum.
    • Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health.

    Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure. A 1980 report from the E.P.A. stated that human hair can be effectively used for biological monitoring of the highest priority toxic metals. This report confirmed the findings of other studies in the U.S. and abroad, which concluded that human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying community exposure to some trace elements

  • Why test for minerals?

    Trace minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process.

    • Zinc is involved in the production, storage and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones.
    • Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. A deficiency has been associated with an increased incidence of abnormal heart conditions, anxiety and nervousness.
    • Potassium is critical for normal nutrient transport into the cell. A deficiency can result in muscular weakness, mild depression and lethargy.
    • Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health.

    In the words of the late author and noted researcher, Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are "...more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid of many possible excesses."

  • What can cause a mineral imbalance?

    There are many factors to take into consideration, such as:

    • Diet - Improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diets can all lead to a chemical imbalance. Even the nutrient content of a "healthy" diet can be inadequate, depending upon the soil in which the food was grown or the method in which it was prepared.
    • Stress - Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilize many nutrients.
    • Medications - Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete the body stores of nutrient minerals and/or increase the levels of toxic metals. These medications include diuretics, antacids, aspirin and oral contraceptives.
    • Pollution - From adolescence through adulthood the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metal sources such as cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), anti-perspirants (aluminum), dental amalgams (mercury and cadmium), copper and aluminum cookware and lead-based cosmetics. These are just a few of the hundreds of sources which can contribute to nutrient imbalances and adverse metabolic effects.
    • Nutritional Supplements - Taking incorrect supplements or improper amounts of supplements can produce many vitamin and mineral excesses and/or deficiencies, contributing to an overall biochemical imbalance.
    • Inherited Patterns - A predisposition toward certain mineral imbalances, deficiencies and excesses can be inherited from parents.

  • Can vitamin requirements be determined from a mineral test?

    Minerals interact not only with each other but also with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Minerals influence each of these factors, and they, in turn, influence mineral status. Minerals act as enzyme activators, and vitamins are synergistic to minerals as coenzymes. It is extremely rare that a mineral disturbance develops without a corresponding disturbance in the synergistic vitamin(s). It is also rare for a disturbance in the utilization or activity of a vitamin to occur without affecting a synergistic mineral(s). For example, vitamin C affects iron absorption and reduces copper retention. Boron and iron influence the status of vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 affects the relationship between calcium and magnesium. Vitamin B1 enhances sodium retention, B12 enhances iron and cobalt absorption, and vitamin A enhances the utilization of zinc, while antagonizing vitamins D and E. Protein intake will affect zinc status, etc. Therefore, evaluating mineral status provides good clues of vitamin status and requirements. Continuing research at Trace Elements involves the recognition of many synergistic and antagonistic interrelationships between minerals and vitamins.

  • What does my office receive when I order a complete hair analysis profile?

    After hundreds of thousands of hair analysis, Trace Elements has created a unique system of interpreting hair mineral analysis results. Each test report will provide the clinician with the most complete and comprehensive evaluation and discussion of significant mineral levels, ratios and toxic metals as tested in the hair. Included is a listing of individual foods and food groups that your doctor can recommend to eat or avoid in accordance with food allergy indicators and individualized metabolic requirements.

  • Is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis supported by research?

    Hair tissue mineral analysis is supported by an impressive body of literature in a variety of respected national and international scientific publications. Over the past twenty-five years hair mineral testing has been extensive. Each year in the United States alone, federally licensed clinical laboratories perform over 150,000 hair mineral assays for health care professionals interested in an additional screening aid for a comprehensive patient evaluation. This does not take into consideration the thousands of subjects used in numerous continuing research studies conducted by private and government research agencies.

HTMA Related Articles

By Johnny Delirious February 12, 2025
John Hopkins Medicine suggests 5 foods to improve your digestion, they are Whole Grains, Leafy Greens, Lean Protein, Low Fructose Fruits(berries), Avocado. Well Dr Johnny totally agrees that fits right into the Mediterranean Diet from ancient Greek Health Wisdom which is the core of The Master Survivor Program. According to UC Davis; “The Mediterranean diet is a well- researched way of eating that can help improve overall health. It focuses on whole, plant-based foods and healthy fats. These are scientifically proven to reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease.” They continue: “The Mediterranean diet consists of many foods found in regions that border the Mediterranean Sea. These types of foods provide a variety of vitamins and nutrients that nourish our body. Food groups that are part of the Mediterranean diet include: Fruits and vegetables Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds Beans and legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans Whole grains like whole wheat bread, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta Fish and seafood Healthy fats and oils, including extra virgin olive oil and avocado and nut oils” This is exactly what Dr. Johnny has been promoting for over 40 years to all of his patients and they maintain a healthy gut. In fact, when you submit your hair sample, Dr. Johnny will run the analysis in the lab and produce your hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) report. This is why America needs the Master Survivor Program more than ever. The HTMA is number one starting point and it provides a road map for better health. In the report you will have a detailed and comprehensive outline of the foods you eat and it follows the Mediterranean Diet all taken from your chemistry. Therefore weight loss is easier for the ones on a diet and if you are in sport competition your Performance Benefits are enormous. I want to give you six points of how it helps the athlete and those wanting to get in better shape mentally and physically. Following the HTMA road map will improve Mental Clarity and Focus The brain is a chemical organ, and requires a vast array of nutrients for proper functioning. All toxic metals interfere with the central nervous system, leading to impaired mental functioning. These toxic metals can be elimination following the road map of the HTMA . This will be correcting biochemical imbalances and leads to improved mental focus and functioning. Coordination, clarity, awareness, judgment and a quick response time are a major part of all athletic performance. Balancing the mineral levels in all the cells including the brain by following the diet and supplement schedule will be the edge you need to have a better workout or win that race. Following the HTMA road map will provide Prevention of Injury and Burnout Chronic fatigue and burnout physiology are common conditions among athletes and people who push themselves past their limits. Particularly later in the season, Colds, flu, pneumonia and other illnesses will plague many athletes, especially those who travel and train and work out hard. The HTMA report identifies your stress level and shows ways to improve that using food. By correcting the stress levels before things go down hill will help you recover quicker, get more rest and maintain that competitive edge. Following the HTMA road map will create a Strong Immune System and provide more Resistance to Infection Nutritional imbalances cause weak joints, tendons and ligaments, excessive inflammation and muscle tears. Properly balancing body chemistry can help avoid injuries by maintaining stronger and more flexible ligaments, tendons and muscles. Staying on the HTMA schedule will keep balanced mineral ratios and speed recovery from fractures, sprains, strains and muscle fatigue. Following the HTMA road map will bring Improved Recovery from Workouts and Injuries A low sodium/potassium ratio and/or an abnormal phosphorus level is associated with excessive protein breakdown or catabolism. A chronic catabolic state can impair or even prevent the normal healing of sports injuries. The body requires many nutrients for healing injuries, including zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium and a variety of vitamins all in their proper balance. With the corrected nutrition amounts and combinations, healing results improve rapidly. Following the HTMA road map will show the Safe Use of Dietary Supplements getting only what your body needs. Most athletes take a variety of nutritional supplements, some of which are unnecessary, incorrect, or may be dangerous. One problem is they maybe getting too much of two or more vitamins or minerals. A thorough assessment and analysis of the athlete's diet, nutrient mineral balance, and toxic load provides important parameters to help determine the correct supplementation needed to balance and enhance body chemistry. Only the HTMA can tell the exact amounts of foods and supplements you need. Following the HTMA road map is the best Weight Management tool because the body will balance out on its own and get your weight under your control. Stubborn problems with food cravings and weight control plague some athletes, because they have too much of some elements and not enough of others. Consequently, professional athletes have shorter life spans and eat a lot of calories while training, but then when they stop training hard they keep eating the same way and stay out of balance. The HTMA provides specific data that when followed can assist with both weight gain and weight loss as well as eliminating the arthritis and joint problems by offering a scientific and individualized plan solving the problem safely and effectively. Many of my patients don't realize that we also do the hair tissue analysis HTMA on horses and dogs. So if you are worried about your fury four legged member of the family; your dog or horses when they compete in shows or races there is no better way to keep them in the winner's circle than following their diet and supplement schedule of their HTMA . Both canine and equine hair can be tested at my lab and if the HTMA is followed then your four legged loved one will have shiny healthy coats and quick responses to commands because their stress has been minimized. Some of my four legged clients have won AKA blue ribbons and have placed in the top 10 of the Breeder's Cup. The price for canine and equine HTMA is $250 and you get a comprehensive report. Most of my tell me that their dog and horse are all natural and refuse to give them vaccines. With analysis of the mineral profile we can determine what is lacking and what is needed. The HTMA is the most valuable diagnostic to find the right foods to help you and your dog or horse. For the owners following the HTMA, they will adhering closer to the Mediterranean Diet and have a healthy gut.
A diagram of a person 's gut and a diagram of a person 's brain.
By Johnny Delirious January 15, 2025
Your gut and specifically your microbiome determines what kind of mood you are in. Why is the microbiome is so important? Most people don't even realize we; us humans are less than one millionth of a percent of life on Earth, just a tiny niche, and this microbiome in our gut is truly what gives us life. But most of my patients and my listeners to my radio show don't understand what the microbiome is. Just remember damage to the gut is also damage to the microbiome and the brain. So how does gut damage happen? Right now, I want to use the term plasticity in a more interesting way, so lets look at genomic plasticity. Typically, we think of neuro-plasticity, meaning, that our connections in the brain can actually begin the restructure of new synapses, dendrites, to enhance action of our neurons. We also have a genome that can express radically differently through epigenetic modulation. I have talked to my patient about the diversity of the microbiome and some of you heard me mention there are literally quadrillions of bacteria inside us and they are diverse. We are walking around 10s of thousands of different species of just the bacteria.
Three women in black swimsuits are standing next to each other on the beach.
By David L. Watts, Ph.D., Director of Research, Trace Elements March 13, 2022
Many clients have asked questions about the metabolic subtypes that are determined in the HTMA mineral patterns. Although each type is described in individual reports, this discussion will provide further details. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Metabolic Types The Sympathetic Metabolic Type 1, is also known as Fast Metabolic Type 1. The Parasympathetic Metabolic Type 1 is known as the Slow Metabolic Type 1. In review, the Fast Type 1 indicates a dominance of the Sympathetic nervous system, while the Slow Metabolic Type 1 is indicative of Parasympathetic neurological dominance. Typically when the Sympathetic Nervous system is dominant the Sympathetic endocrines making up the Sympathetic Neuroendocrine System (SNES) will also be dominant and includes; Ventromedial Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (zona fasciculata) Adrenal Medulla Thyroid Testosterone Progesterone Parasympathetic neurological dominance is associated with the Parasympathetic Endocrine System (PNES) dominance and includes: Lateral Hypothalamus Posterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (anabolic) Thymus Pancreas (endocrine) Parathyroid Estrogen Generally speaking the stimulatory endocrine and sedative endocrines correspond to the neurological dominance. However, due to various stages of stress the two can be intermingled. Slow Metabolic Type 2 Below is a graphic presentation of the Slow Metabolic Type 2 mineral pattern.
A man is sitting on a park bench with his head in his hands.
By Johnny Delirious March 6, 2022
Stress levels whether acute or chronic are shown in the sub-categories of the metabolic types. Developed by Hans Selye, these are the alarm, resistance, recovery and exhaustion stages. The HTMA will show the metabolic typing and indicate these different degrees of stress making it easier to determine and utilize specific therapy to work with. Within these categories we are using nutritional support (both with food and supplementation) that helps lower stress and working in harmony with the body. The following is a brief:
A glass bowl filled with silver pieces of metal on a table.
By Trace Elements February 27, 2022
Increased Risk of Aneurysm Associated with Fluoroquinolone Use. Zn/Cu Imbalance? Synthetic broadspectrum antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones are prescribed as a first line antibacterial for acquired infections, especially in hospital settings. They include ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin and have been prescribed to over twenty million Americans. Some of the known side effects that have been reported with their use include tendonopathy, tendon rupture as well as peripheral neuropathy. Recently a study reported the increased risk of aortic aneurysm with their use. The mechanism is thought to involve an increase in the stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity causing a breakdown of collagen and the structural components of the extracellular matrix. Excess metalloproteinase can also result in poor wound healing. Mueller, PS. General Medicine, Journal Watch. 38,9, 2018. Comment: Since metalloproteinase is a zinc containing metalloenzyme the mechanism could be related to a zinc/copper imbalance. Aortic aneurysm has been associated with copper deficiency. Other signs of copper deficiency include poor wound healing, as well as neuropathy, neurological disturbance, infections, arthritis, orthopedic disturbance, hypercholesterolemia, anemia, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. It would be prudent to assess the tissue zinc and copper status of those individuals who are prescribed fluoroquinolones and who are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above.
A copper cube is sitting on a wooden table.
By David L. Watts, D.C., Ph.D., F.A.C.E.P February 6, 2022
Introduction The mineral copper was shown to be an essential nutrient for hemoglobin synthesis in animals in 1928.(1) The therapeutic use of copper and its requirements in humans was later reported by Mills and others.(2) (3) Copper has since been found to be a constituent of many important enzymes including cytochrome c oxidase, superoxide dismutase (cytoplasm), Ceruloplasmin, dopamine B-hydroxylase, lysyl oxidase, tyrosinase, and monoamine oxidase. The copper content of a healthy adult has been reported to be approximately eighty milligrams.(4) The highest level of copper is found in the liver and brain, followed by the heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen, lungs, bone, and muscle. Copper Evaluation Through Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) of Human Hair TMA of hair has proven to be a good method for assessing nutritional copper status. Recently Medeiros5 reported positive correlations of TMA copper levels in animals based upon three levels of dietary copper intake. This study supports the feasibility for the use of TMA in detecting changes in the diet of copper and other minerals. Medeiros' study also confirms the findings of earlier investigators, which also support the validity of using TMA in assessing copper status.(6) (7) (8) (9) Ikeda, et al(10) found that the hair concentration of copper correlates with blood hemoglobin levels in children. Hair copper concentrations have been found to reflect liver copper concentration.(11) A study reporting the mineral content of maternal and neonate hair revealed an excellent correlation of metals including copper and establishes a basis for the use of TMA in monitoring the nutritional mineral status of both the mother and fetus.(12) The ideal TMA level of copper established by Trace Elements, Inc. is 2.5 milligrams percent. When sampled properly, TMA can provide a good index of nutritional copper status(13) (14) and relationship to other synergistic and antagonistic trace elements.

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