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HTMA: Stress Levels

Johnny Delirious • March 6, 2022

Stress levels whether acute or chronic are shown in the sub-categories of the metabolic types. Developed by Hans Selye, these are the alarm, resistance, recovery and exhaustion stages. The HTMA will show the metabolic typing and indicate these different degrees of stress making it easier to determine and utilize specific therapy to work with. Within these categories we are using nutritional support (both with food and supplementation) that helps lower stress and working in harmony with the body. The following is a brief:

Fast Metabolism - Sympathetic Dominance

This is linked to excessive sympathetic nervous activity. Some dominant features are seen as Fast Oxidation and the Type A personality. This condition increases the availability of glucose for rapid metabolism via epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla. This stimulates other areas of the body and can increase the metabolic rate as much as 100%.

Very often the fast metabolizer will not complete the Krebs cycle in cell respiration and many times remain in the state of glycolysis. High tissue acidity and low pancreatic enzyme have also been noted. Both physical and emotional stress is observed and seen with elevated blood pressure and excessive perspiration, like sweaty hands.

Fast Metabolism Type 1

Increased adrenal activity and thyroid function - increased energy levels. Could experience alarm, resistance or recovery stages of stress.

Fast Metabolism Type 2

Increased adrenal cortical activity and lowered thyroid function. Dramatic energy fluctuations, mood swings.

Fast Metabolism Type 3

Decreased adrenal cortical activity with increased thyroid function

Resistance or exhaustive stage of stress, if chronic it can result in depression, irritability

Fast Metabolism Type 4

Decreased adrenal activity and decrease thyroid glandular function. Exhaustive stage, extreme fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Slow Metabolism - Para-Sympathetic Dominance

Glucose is metabolized at a reduced rate, coupled with Slow Oxidation. This Type B personality can run the risk of normal energy levels becoming inadequate. This is a result of the inability to split glucose to form adequate amounts of pyruvates and oxaloacetic acid in the glucose cycle; and this leads to the inability to produce citric acid in the Krebs cycle. Low HCL and tissue alkalinity is a prominent occurrence.

Many slow metabolizers are very methodical, seen as perfectionists who will start projects and see them through to completion. If over extended with scheduling and as work pressure builds, stress is their worst enemy, fatigue and depression will follow.

Slow Metabolism Type 1

Decreased adrenal medullary activity and decreased thyroid function Can experience any one of the four stages of stress.

Slow Metabolism Type 2

Increased adrenal cortical activity and decreased thyroid function Alarm stage of stress. mood swings

Slow Metabolism Type 3

Decreased adrenal cortical activity and increased thyroid function Resistance or exhaustion stages of stress – depression or irritability

Slow Metabolism Type 4

High adrenal activity in conjunction with elevated thyroid function. Acute alarm stage that has progressed into the resistance stage.

Have you ever looked at the Periodic Table of Elements? These elements make up everything in the universe! Everything; including us. In fact, we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. In Biblical terms, we are made in God’s image. In chemistry, we are composed mostly of about 40 elements on the Periodic Table. Our make up is essentially the combination of elements made flesh, with the spark of spirit that gives us life.


In the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), the biological activity of 37 Elements is measured. They are: 15 important Nutritional Elements, 8 Toxic Heavy Metals, 14 Trace Elements. With the information of the HTMA, we now know what is available and being used in the body or what is lacking. Health begins to deteriorate when cell metabolism does not have the right foods and elements it needs. A mineral imbalance follows. Over time, function goes down and structure begins to lose its integrity. With the right foods and a balance of elements on a daily basis the body’s cells will repair and reverse aging.


The HTMA will show:

  • How to avoid disease states
  • Any toxic or heavy metal overload
  • A complete profile of 37 different elements
  • The correct diet schedule based on your biochemistry


Contact Johnny to order your HTMA today - $226 USD


Best Selling author Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers to use the scientific modality - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), to get the right diet and supplements to experience life free of disease. The guessing game to achieve good health is over. Today he gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry.

Johnny Delirious, Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor, gives expert advice with 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry to his patients to heal using food and Ancient Greek therapies all backed by modern laboratory science. He is unquestionably the only TRUE Addiction & Hepatitis A, B and C Recovery Pioneer free of mood altering substances (cocaine) since 1991, no viral load or antibodies of hepatitis since 1994 and no cirrhosis since 1995. Nobody in his life including doctors, friends and family thought he would live passed 1992, they all said he was going to die. But, Johnny chose life; not death and learned how to heal his body, mind and spirit by developing new protocols with natural therapies. For over 20 years he has helped many others recover including professionals - doctors, dentists, lawyers who don't want chemical drugs or surgery recover from the same conditions that everyone said were hopeless. Contact Johnny for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), get the right diet, supplements plus expert advice with 30 years of experience

United States - 972-825-7912

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Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD says on Aug 14 · Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD The ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine), FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) and all other boards that have engaged in warfare against doctors and humanity need to be prosecuted. She said, “I refused to get recertified with the ABIM but went with the alternative” NBPAS are being attacked by ABIM as to keep their monopoly. However, hospitals are now accepting this alternative, which would allow Dr. Kory to still get privileges. We need to build a parallel healthcare system outside of these pharma owned fraudsters who have no honor and no conscience. The future of medicine is ruined forever, if we allow such bought and paid for private organizations control over healthcare. I hope Drs. Nass, Kory and Marik go to war. Go get 'em!
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By David L. Watts, Ph.D., Director of Research, Trace Elements March 13, 2022
Many clients have asked questions about the metabolic subtypes that are determined in the HTMA mineral patterns. Although each type is described in individual reports, this discussion will provide further details. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Metabolic Types The Sympathetic Metabolic Type 1, is also known as Fast Metabolic Type 1. The Parasympathetic Metabolic Type 1 is known as the Slow Metabolic Type 1. In review, the Fast Type 1 indicates a dominance of the Sympathetic nervous system, while the Slow Metabolic Type 1 is indicative of Parasympathetic neurological dominance. Typically when the Sympathetic Nervous system is dominant the Sympathetic endocrines making up the Sympathetic Neuroendocrine System (SNES) will also be dominant and includes; Ventromedial Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (zona fasciculata) Adrenal Medulla Thyroid Testosterone Progesterone Parasympathetic neurological dominance is associated with the Parasympathetic Endocrine System (PNES) dominance and includes: Lateral Hypothalamus Posterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (anabolic) Thymus Pancreas (endocrine) Parathyroid Estrogen Generally speaking the stimulatory endocrine and sedative endocrines correspond to the neurological dominance. However, due to various stages of stress the two can be intermingled. Slow Metabolic Type 2 Below is a graphic presentation of the Slow Metabolic Type 2 mineral pattern.
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By Trace Elements February 27, 2022
Increased Risk of Aneurysm Associated with Fluoroquinolone Use. Zn/Cu Imbalance? Synthetic broadspectrum antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones are prescribed as a first line antibacterial for acquired infections, especially in hospital settings. They include ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin and have been prescribed to over twenty million Americans. Some of the known side effects that have been reported with their use include tendonopathy, tendon rupture as well as peripheral neuropathy. Recently a study reported the increased risk of aortic aneurysm with their use. The mechanism is thought to involve an increase in the stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity causing a breakdown of collagen and the structural components of the extracellular matrix. Excess metalloproteinase can also result in poor wound healing. Mueller, PS. General Medicine, Journal Watch. 38,9, 2018. Comment: Since metalloproteinase is a zinc containing metalloenzyme the mechanism could be related to a zinc/copper imbalance. Aortic aneurysm has been associated with copper deficiency. Other signs of copper deficiency include poor wound healing, as well as neuropathy, neurological disturbance, infections, arthritis, orthopedic disturbance, hypercholesterolemia, anemia, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. It would be prudent to assess the tissue zinc and copper status of those individuals who are prescribed fluoroquinolones and who are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above.
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