The Master Survivor University


अल्ल् थिस् नेव रेसेअर्च् इम्प्रोवेस वेरिफ़िएस् अन्द् उप्ग्रदेस थे मस्तेर सुर्विवोर प्रोग्राम सो मुच सो तहत थे मस्तेर सुर्विवोर उनिवेर्सित्य वस बोर्न व्हेरे स्तुदेन्त्स चान गेट चोम्प्लेते त्रैनिन्ग इन थे वोर्ल्द'स मोस्त चोम्प्रेहेन्सिवे नतुरल् हेअलिङ्ग् मोदलित्य 


ओउर् बोद्य् इस अ गिफ़्त् फ़्रोम् गोद अन्द् तेम्प्ले ओफ़् थे होल्य् स्पिरि। ईफ़् ओउर् बोद्य् इस च्लेअन् विथ् गूद लिवेर हेअल्थ् अन्द् थे मिनेरल्स बलन्चेद , थेन गोद अन्द् थे होल्य स्पिरित विलल अल्वय्स द्वेल्ल् इन ओउर् दिल्य लिव। थेन थे मिन्द् चान ऍसिल्य् बे तुनेद इन हर्मोन्य विथ् गोद'स प्ला। 

The Master Survivor University

Today, with several laboratories I exchange research, provide the HTMA and work directly with the findings of the Human Microbiome Project launched by the National Institutes of Health. We developed protocols to fully balance the digestive track and the patients heal their leaky gut or remove candida and irritable bowel disease in less than ninety days. All this new research improves, validates and upgrades the Master Survivor Program so much so that the Master Survivor University was born where students can get complete training in the world's most comprehensive natural healing modality.

An ancient greek painting of a man sitting in a chair

The Master Survivor Apprentice

The entry level track into the University is the Master Survivor Apprentice where the student will receive training and study materials for one year on the HTMA, food and diet protocols. They will participate in all three areas of the Master Survivor Program to raise their immunity response and balance their own health. Once completed with the study materials, exams and have learned how to achieve improvement of their over all health, they will earn the title of Master Survivor Apprentice and will be presented with their certificate. They can now use the initials MSA after their name and they would be eligible for entry into the Masters track.

The Master Survivor Programer

The two year Masters study features training for the Apprentice on understanding the basics of cell biochemistry and the human microbiome and learn the fundamentals of balancing the cells and the digestive track. They will be given exclusive access to the Master Survivor Program (text book). This manuscript will focus on the health truths that have either been lost by centuries of disinformation or simply hidden from the public by false narratives. While learning the truth from the Master Survivor Program and applying it in the trials and recoveries of their patients, they gain health wisdom. Once the Apprentice has completed all of their work, exams and thesis; they graduate and have the title of the Master Survivor Programer. They will then have the expertise to help their clients and patents recover from illness by empirically applying the Master Survivor Program. They are now eligible to enter the final track of the doctorate study and will use MSP initials after their name.
A group of people are standing around a statue of zeus
A large painting of a group of people in a building.

The Master Survivor Doctor

The doctorate study is breaking new ground with hands on case work where the Apprentice/Programer learns to apply the Golden Ratio methodology learning about the deeper aspects of healing including improving the RNA messenger and genetic expression to unlock a greater understanding of the human microbiome and go into the deeper wisdom of this ground breaking knowledge pool that is truly beyond Ph.D. The goal is find new adjunct therapies or maintenance that complement and improve the current MSU methodology. To gain eligibility for entry into the doctorate program a four to five hundred word request must be submitted to Dr. Johnny. It will be describing your desire, skills and dedication to learning new technics with this body of knowledge that is completely unknown. To study the deeper secrets of the Master Survivor Program is by invitation only. Once finished with the course work, patient recovery experiences and their doctoral is completed, they earn the title of Master Survivor Doctor. Their doctoral work will be in the University Library and they will proudly use MSD initials after their name.


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Take the first step in taking better care of your health. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.
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