Articles & News

By Johnny Delirious August 18, 2024
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD says on Aug 14 · Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD The ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine), FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) and all other boards that have engaged in warfare against doctors and humanity need to be prosecuted. She said, “I refused to get recertified with the ABIM but went with the alternative” NBPAS are being attacked by ABIM as to keep their monopoly. However, hospitals are now accepting this alternative, which would allow Dr. Kory to still get privileges. We need to build a parallel healthcare system outside of these pharma owned fraudsters who have no honor and no conscience. The future of medicine is ruined forever, if we allow such bought and paid for private organizations control over healthcare. I hope Drs. Nass, Kory and Marik go to war. Go get 'em!
Three women in black swimsuits are standing next to each other on the beach.
By David L. Watts, Ph.D., Director of Research, Trace Elements March 13, 2022
Many clients have asked questions about the metabolic subtypes that are determined in the HTMA mineral patterns. Although each type is described in individual reports, this discussion will provide further details. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Metabolic Types The Sympathetic Metabolic Type 1, is also known as Fast Metabolic Type 1. The Parasympathetic Metabolic Type 1 is known as the Slow Metabolic Type 1. In review, the Fast Type 1 indicates a dominance of the Sympathetic nervous system, while the Slow Metabolic Type 1 is indicative of Parasympathetic neurological dominance. Typically when the Sympathetic Nervous system is dominant the Sympathetic endocrines making up the Sympathetic Neuroendocrine System (SNES) will also be dominant and includes; Ventromedial Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (zona fasciculata) Adrenal Medulla Thyroid Testosterone Progesterone Parasympathetic neurological dominance is associated with the Parasympathetic Endocrine System (PNES) dominance and includes: Lateral Hypothalamus Posterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (anabolic) Thymus Pancreas (endocrine) Parathyroid Estrogen Generally speaking the stimulatory endocrine and sedative endocrines correspond to the neurological dominance. However, due to various stages of stress the two can be intermingled. Slow Metabolic Type 2 Below is a graphic presentation of the Slow Metabolic Type 2 mineral pattern.
A man is sitting on a park bench with his head in his hands.
By Johnny Delirious March 6, 2022
Stress levels whether acute or chronic are shown in the sub-categories of the metabolic types. Developed by Hans Selye, these are the alarm, resistance, recovery and exhaustion stages. The HTMA will show the metabolic typing and indicate these different degrees of stress making it easier to determine and utilize specific therapy to work with. Within these categories we are using nutritional support (both with food and supplementation) that helps lower stress and working in harmony with the body. The following is a brief:
A glass bowl filled with silver pieces of metal on a table.
By Trace Elements February 27, 2022
Increased Risk of Aneurysm Associated with Fluoroquinolone Use. Zn/Cu Imbalance? Synthetic broadspectrum antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones are prescribed as a first line antibacterial for acquired infections, especially in hospital settings. They include ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, norfloxacin and have been prescribed to over twenty million Americans. Some of the known side effects that have been reported with their use include tendonopathy, tendon rupture as well as peripheral neuropathy. Recently a study reported the increased risk of aortic aneurysm with their use. The mechanism is thought to involve an increase in the stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity causing a breakdown of collagen and the structural components of the extracellular matrix. Excess metalloproteinase can also result in poor wound healing. Mueller, PS. General Medicine, Journal Watch. 38,9, 2018. Comment: Since metalloproteinase is a zinc containing metalloenzyme the mechanism could be related to a zinc/copper imbalance. Aortic aneurysm has been associated with copper deficiency. Other signs of copper deficiency include poor wound healing, as well as neuropathy, neurological disturbance, infections, arthritis, orthopedic disturbance, hypercholesterolemia, anemia, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. It would be prudent to assess the tissue zinc and copper status of those individuals who are prescribed fluoroquinolones and who are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above.
Two men stand in front of a tulane university cal center sign
By Johnny Delirious February 20, 2022
When my father started at Tulane Medical School he was 32 and his classmates were in their early twenties. They were the last of the true “fix it; and then you are done doctors”. Alton Oschner and Michael DeBakey were in his class. Oschner taught surgery, my Dad taught anatomy and physiology. Michael DeBakey specialized in heart surgery and later he was known world wide when he went to Russia to perform Boris Yelson’s heart operation. During the 1940s war effort, my Dad was in the Naval Reserves and specialized in treating tropical diseases like malaria - a parasite that destroys the liver. He trained the Marine and Navy medics about first aid and protocol for treating diarrhea, hepatitis and malaria before they were deployed to the Pacific theater of the war. In those days Oschner made a big name for himself when said “cigarettes were bad for your health and could lead to cancer.” Those were times when it was “macho” to smoke and inhale like all the movie stars; so publicly announcing that cigarettes were dangerous, Oschner definitely went against the status quo trend. Big tobacco and the AMA did not like it. They colluded and tried unsuccessfully to publicly smear his reputation. Soon Oschner worked hard to successfully petition the Surgeon General to put a warning label on all tobacco products. Because of this, the medical field got polarized and political in New Orleans in the late 1940s after the war. This was also the time when my Dad got physician of the year and Oschner wanted him as his partner to start a clinic. During that same time while my Dad was vacationing in Northwest Florida in 1949, the US Military wanted a doctor in the area. A city consul contingency with a group of military brass approached my father to be locally available for any medical emergency dealing with their pilots and government personnel. He accepted and moved to the area in 1950. This was a good option with his internship already done and he would be moving away from the politics in New Orleans. My father was highly trained in diseases, surgery and internal medicine. He stood shoulder to should with the most gifted physicians of that day and was the “right stuff” for what the military wanted. In early 1950s rural Florida there were no hospitals; there were just military bases and small fishing fleets. My Dad had his black bag and made house calls, whether it was on the military base or on a local fishing boat. So anytime a President like Eisenhower, Kennedy or Johnson came to one of the military bases in Northwest Florida my Dad was notified to be on high alert and on call 24/7. He was the go to doctor for the local fisherman and the military in the area, including Eglin Air Force Base and the Pensacola Naval Air Station. My Dad’s reputation grew. In town he was the old fashion family doctor practicing what he and his classmates believed - the Hippocratic Oath - that they all took at graduation. “Do no harm; let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” They strongly believed and practiced that. It became part of their DNA core as physician healers. Their first regiment was good nutrition, exercise and practical solutions; these were all part of their health protocols with surgery and meds administered only when needed; usually second or third in the diagnostic consideration process. Oschner and my father knew the key to sound function was good liver health and the key to healthy structure was staying fit. So to this day the Oschner Clinic has the best record for liver transplants compared to the rest of health care industry in the whole nation. Why? Well one reason why is Oschner like my Dad pushed the holistic philosophy that they call complementary medicine today. They followed all surgeries and treatments with extensive rehabilitation and adjunct treatments including massage, exercise and nutrition programs. The result is their patients live longer and feel better. At his clinic in Ft. Walton Beach, FL, my Dad practiced this too. Some of the most important aspects of liver function I learned from my Dad, wisdom gained only from experience and not in any books.
A mortar and pestle filled with basil , garlic , pine nuts and cheese on a wooden table.
By Johnny Delirious February 13, 2022
Reason Number One - SIDE EFFECTS  This is the first thing people are wary of with medical therapy are the side effects of the prescription medications. News headlines abound about lawsuits of drug side effects. You see the advertisements of ambulance chasing lawyers that will fight for you to get a settlement for certain medical failures and complications. Lawyers now bank on the fact that people will experience side effects from medication that can be uncomfortable, harmful and even fatal. Some lawyers even specialize in certain drugs or particular invasive treatments because they know there will be health problems sooner or later that show greater chances to get cash in a settlement.
A copper cube is sitting on a wooden table.
By David L. Watts, D.C., Ph.D., F.A.C.E.P February 6, 2022
Introduction The mineral copper was shown to be an essential nutrient for hemoglobin synthesis in animals in 1928.(1) The therapeutic use of copper and its requirements in humans was later reported by Mills and others.(2) (3) Copper has since been found to be a constituent of many important enzymes including cytochrome c oxidase, superoxide dismutase (cytoplasm), Ceruloplasmin, dopamine B-hydroxylase, lysyl oxidase, tyrosinase, and monoamine oxidase. The copper content of a healthy adult has been reported to be approximately eighty milligrams.(4) The highest level of copper is found in the liver and brain, followed by the heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen, lungs, bone, and muscle. Copper Evaluation Through Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) of Human Hair TMA of hair has proven to be a good method for assessing nutritional copper status. Recently Medeiros5 reported positive correlations of TMA copper levels in animals based upon three levels of dietary copper intake. This study supports the feasibility for the use of TMA in detecting changes in the diet of copper and other minerals. Medeiros' study also confirms the findings of earlier investigators, which also support the validity of using TMA in assessing copper status.(6) (7) (8) (9) Ikeda, et al(10) found that the hair concentration of copper correlates with blood hemoglobin levels in children. Hair copper concentrations have been found to reflect liver copper concentration.(11) A study reporting the mineral content of maternal and neonate hair revealed an excellent correlation of metals including copper and establishes a basis for the use of TMA in monitoring the nutritional mineral status of both the mother and fetus.(12) The ideal TMA level of copper established by Trace Elements, Inc. is 2.5 milligrams percent. When sampled properly, TMA can provide a good index of nutritional copper status(13) (14) and relationship to other synergistic and antagonistic trace elements.
Four silver balls of different sizes are lined up on an orange surface.
By Johnny Delirious, Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor January 30, 2022
In the early 19th century in the East and in the West, Mercury was used as a medicine to treat illness. Little was known at the time about the harmful effect it had on the body. Just like blood-letting of that day, it was eventually learned that Mercury over time was not a sound or safe therapy. The common name was quicksilver because of its fluid metallic property. The gossip surrounding the dangers of its use quickly made the two-word name into a one-word slang term for the treatment that became known as quack medicine when referring to those doctors administering Mercury. In fact, the doctors who regularly used it for their patients were the ones known as “quacks.” With over-exposure to Mercury the body can develop tremors and nervousness. In England during the 19th Century era, the hat factories used Mercury in the processing of the felt and the workers in those horrid conditions became over-exposed. This heavy metal built up in their bodies and they soon developed what they called “hatters shakes” at that time. The gossip continued about Mercury and the dangers of working in a hat factory. The famous classic novel written during that time, “Alice In Wonderland,” featured a wacky and nervous character called the “Mad Hatter.”
Image showing a nuclear explosion
By Johnny Delirious, Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor January 23, 2022
In one of his last televised events, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the increasing monopoly of the Military Industrial Complex. He cautioned the American people that it could gain too much influence on our government. This was when World War II was over and the factories that were once making jeeps, tanks, airplanes, bombs, chemicals, and explosives for weapons were now converted for civilian commerce. There was a surplus of chemicals, equipment, and materials with a plethora of hardware, spare parts, and of course petroleum and nuclear waste. For example, there were containers full of different raw metal parts and some were steel spirals destined to become piston rings for motors and after the war they were no longer needed. They took what was left of the spirals and sold them as toys. Do you remember the “Slinky”? The atom bomb helped us win and after the war the nuclear industry took off and of course the Cold War became a reality. The talk of the town was: “Man harnessed the power of the Sun to create unlimited energy!” So, electric generators, submarines, and aircraft carriers were run by nuclear power. During this time every modern answer in the early 1950s seemed to be nuclear. Even nuclear medicine! We had “won the war,” we were proud and everything in America seemed great. But there was a new war that took place and it turned out to be ideological. It was between religion and science. The experts said science and technology gave the American victory but the ministers said prayer brought peace to the world. This soft conflict was in the mind of society between science and religion. Both camps were pumping their theme. Scientists are taught to be atheists and the priests were busy raising church attendance. The leaders of the military-industrial complex with their science showed promise because they could create the apparent power of the Sun right here on Earth and took over industry and provided the jobs. Because they believed they could conquer nature, many of them thought they were greater than any God talked about in a church or in scripture. Some of those industry leaders began to think that science was the answer for every aspect of man’s existence. This premise was reinforced with a push of a button when they moved mountains by splitting the atom. They even had jet aircraft that exceeded the speed of sound. The leaders became arrogant madmen thinking they were superior to the forces of nature. This arrogance gave way to folly and stupidity that, due to the gift of hindsight, is now obvious to see when looking back at their behavior during the late 1940s and early 1950s. See below when they told their V.I.P.s: “It is better than cinema, bring your wives, you can have front row seats to view the bomb.”
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