Your gut and specifically your microbiome determines what kind of mood you are in. Why is the microbiome is so important? Most people don't even realize we; us humans are less than one millionth of a percent of life on Earth, just a tiny niche, and this microbiome in our gut is truly what gives us life. But most of my patients and my listeners to my radio show don't understand what the microbiome is. Just remember damage to the gut is also damage to the microbiome and the brain.
So how does gut damage happen? Right now, I want to use the term plasticity in a more interesting way, so lets look at genomic plasticity. Typically, we think of neuro-plasticity, meaning, that our connections in the brain can actually begin the restructure of new synapses, dendrites, to enhance action of our neurons. We also have a genome that can express radically differently through epigenetic modulation. I have talked to my patient about the diversity of the microbiome and some of you heard me mention there are literally quadrillions of bacteria inside us and they are diverse. We are walking around 10s of thousands of different species of just the bacteria.
Then you go from the bacteria to the parasites, you have 100s of thousand of different species of parasites. Most of these parasites are actually not damaging, in fact, they are life-giving to the human body. Then you move to the fungi category and we find over a million species of fungi. Then you move to the viruses. We haven't even begun to categorize the number of species of viruses on the earth or inside us.
On our planet Earth we have a rough idea that there are 10 to the 31st power of viruses on the planet right now. That's one with 31 zeroes after it. That number is ten nonillion and its so big,. it's measure is roughly 10 million times more than our stars in the entire Universe. So there's 10 million times more viruses on planet Earth right now today than there are stars in the entire Universe, not the galaxy, I mean the entire Universe. We're talking about billions times billions times billions times billions of viruses all around us. We just don’t know how many viruses live in us or how many viruses live around us.
So far I have just mentioned the different species of all these bacteria, fungi and viruses going on in our environment and living in our gut that make up our microbiome. Then you have to calculate the actual population numbers of each group and those numbers are so vast in size we still don't really don't know the population of all the bacteria, fungi and virus in our gut or do we know the exact proportions of each of the genre or the number of populations of each species. The numbers are too vast, we just don't know. But what we do know is that all adults have between 5 and 8 lbs of these microflora in gut.
These 5 to 8 lbs are huge numbers of microbes in our gut are all putting out their own genetic expression. That is a large amount of information going into our being – into our consciousness. That is a huge amount of information and impressions that is being uploaded every second of our lives. Then you have to ask the question; what is the relationship between the microbiome and the expression of the human genome? This is where the micro RNA come in and they are circulating in your bloodstream. The unique thing about some messenger RNA is it makes proteins, so when it does then you have a gene. You've got 20,000 genes. They stay inside the nucleus of your cell. They can't leave the nucleus of the cell and when the DNA unravels a little bit, it exposes a gene. A bunch of cofactors and micro RNA will bind on in there. It will make a messenger RNA, which will then leave the nucleus and go into the cytoplasm of your cell and it will code for a protein to be built on top of that.
Now contrast this to the micro RNA that's from the noncoding or non-gene regions of your DNA, the 99%. That 99% that's making the micro RNA, they don't stay at home. They go and leave the cell. Not only do they leave the cell, but they can leave your body. Right now, if you were to take to swab from your mouth, we could extract them –- they're basically envelopes that are in your saliva. They're little exosomes, these little packets of micro RNA that are in your saliva right now. If we go and analyze them, we can tell exactly what genes you're starting to turn on. It can tell us exactly which micro RNA are being activated to modify the genes.
The interesting thing is not only in your saliva, it's in your urine, but it's also in your breath. It's also in your sweat. You've got these exosomes, or pockets of data are going out into the environment around you all the time. And when you go into a store or a restaurant and you will actually change everybody's genome in the room by exhaling, by getting these exosomes of micro RNA out. And in contrast you are exposed to everyone else's exosomes of micro RNA. With sharing of genetic information that has been going on since the beginning of time; we get stronger.
Now, that's a tiny little bit of information that is going to exchange with you and with everyone else. In contrast, the bacteria in your gut, the fungi and the rest of the microbes, we already know is continuously making at least 40 - 60% of the micro RNA in your bloodstream. That 40 – 60% percent is nonhuman. We know that number is much higher because we are just scratching the surface to count because we've barely started to really decode the micro RNA from the fungi and already may account for half of that. Some 15 to 20% of the micro RNA we studied we already can recognize as being fungal, the rest are bacteria and virus micro RNA, and we are sure in all probability that most of the micro RNA messages are from a non human source. Ie: the bacteria, parasites, virus and fungi that make up microbiome.
I believe that just by the sheer numbers that I shared with you above that we are so overwhelmingly outnumbered by the bacteria, the fungi, and the parasites that soon with what we are seeing now we're going to pin point and find out that then 99% of the micro RNA in your bloodstream is not from human source and it is not at all from our own genes. What that means is most of your genetic expression is coming not from us or our cells but from the genetic expression of this microbiome.
So what happens if we don't have the right balance of microorganisms in our gut? What happens when there is too much of the wrong messages? What happens when the 100s of thousand of different species of parasites, over a million species of fungi, and the huge unknown number of species of viruses all get out of balance? This can easily happen when we get too much glycosate or other toxins that damage the shikamate pathway and tear apart your mucosal layer and then we have leaky gut. We get allergies and inflammation in the beginning and later autism, diabetes, heart attacks, Parkinson and many other problems.
The original cause of all our illness is from the toxins damaging our microbiome. This is why I have been talking about toxins so much. These huge numbers of microbes are such a blessing from Mother Nature when they are in-balance in the gut but if they get out of balance because our gut mucosal protection gets damaged from glyphosate and other toxins then these poisons and the wrong organisms slip through and get out into the bloodstream and disrupts all the systems in our body. Whether its your endocrine system and your hormones, whether its your circulatory system and your heart or your nervous system and your brain; you could have children with fertility and sterility or you your self may not be able to have children. With these toxins all around us our well being all goes down hill fast and we see this everyday.
Well, by becoming a Master Survivor of course. This is the secret of survival in our toxic world.
If you want a choice in health care that is not the conventional drug and surgery, the cut and burn treatments look no further than the Master Survivor Program, where we use food as our medicine and our medicine is our food. If you want a future career in a health field to focuses on helping people get well and stay well, then consider the Master Survivor University and become a Master Survivor Doctor. Your patients will excel in their health goals and your practice will grow when you use a proven methodology from Ancient Greek Wisdom backed by Modern Laboratory Science. I am a Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor and my goal is helping all my patients accelerate their healing journey, I am also doing this to protect your mental health. Suicides are out numbering Covid deaths because all the toxins people take in have overwhelmed the stability of their mind. Many feel hopeless. However when you follow the Master Survivor Program you begin to embrace a sense of peace and tranquility we get our microbiome balanced. As a Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor for over 40 years and as a professional in the health field, I want you to have tools available at your fingertips to manage your own life and be healthy. I work with over 5 world class analysis laboratories. Right now America needs the Master Survivor Program more than ever.
There are 2 parts to the Master Survivor Program. The first part of the Master Survivor Program is the hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) from Trace Elements Laboratories to find the right food to get the minerals in the right ratio in the body and your cells. This is the preferred test to be used by the EPA to check the heavy metal content of the body. It is also the most accurate toxin screening tool. This valuable diagnostic also shows the foods to avoid and the foods to increase on. Then your body will start dumping and eliminating any toxins and heavy metals, consequently, your immunity strength goes
way up. You never get sick when get the minerals balanced in all 70 trillion of your cells. This diet therapy is so effective that most doctors don't use it because they can't make money when their patients are getting well. This what they have told me.
The second part of the Master Survivor Program health rejuvenation program is the 3 Rs Total Gut Restoration that comes from the Microbiome Laboratories. Balancing the Microbiome is the key to good health because it raises your immunity and genetic response. We have human studies showing the 3Rs Total Gut Restoration Program (TGR) to balance the microbiome to get rid of leaky gut and candida in less than four months. More than half our immunity response is in the gut and by doing the 3Rs Program your gut and microbiome will be balanced and your immunity strength goes way up and you experience more peace and tranquillity.
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