In one of his last televised events, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the increasing monopoly of the Military Industrial Complex. He cautioned the American people that it could gain too much influence on our government. This was when World War II was over and the factories that were once making jeeps, tanks, airplanes, bombs, chemicals, and explosives for weapons were now converted for civilian commerce. There was a surplus of chemicals, equipment, and materials with a plethora of hardware, spare parts, and of course petroleum and nuclear waste. For example, there were containers full of different raw metal parts and some were steel spirals destined to become piston rings for motors and after the war they were no longer needed. They took what was left of the spirals and sold them as toys. Do you remember the “Slinky”?
The atom bomb helped us win and after the war the nuclear industry took off and of course the Cold War became a reality. The talk of the town was: “Man harnessed the power of the Sun to create unlimited energy!” So, electric generators, submarines, and aircraft carriers were run by nuclear power. During this time every modern answer in the early 1950s seemed to be nuclear. Even nuclear medicine!
We had “won the war,” we were proud and everything in America seemed great. But there was a new war that took place and it turned out to be ideological. It was between religion and science. The experts said science and technology gave the American victory but the ministers said prayer brought peace to the world. This soft conflict was in the mind of society between science and religion. Both camps were pumping their theme. Scientists are taught to be atheists and the priests were busy raising church attendance. The leaders of the military-industrial complex with their science showed promise because they could create the apparent power of the Sun right here on Earth and took over industry and provided the jobs. Because they believed they could conquer nature, many of them thought they were greater than any God talked about in a church or in scripture. Some of those industry leaders began to think that science was the answer for every aspect of man’s existence. This premise was reinforced with a push of a button when they moved mountains by splitting the atom. They even had jet aircraft that exceeded the speed of sound. The leaders became arrogant madmen thinking they were superior to the forces of nature. This arrogance gave way to folly and stupidity that, due to the gift of hindsight, is now obvious to see when looking back at their behavior during the late 1940s and early 1950s. See below when they told their V.I.P.s: “It is better than cinema, bring your wives, you can have front row seats to view the bomb.”
Morality and religion were quietly pushed into the background. Science was deemed to be king. For the entrainment of the masses they got everyone pumped up about the bomb and the media would spin it the right way. In those days many people picked up radiation at the test sites and the radioactive dust spread into the surrounding areas.
Are you worried yet? Just ponder this. Much of the waste from the nuclear industry is extremely hazardous to human health. It cannot be destroyed, and it is dangerous and radioactive for billions of years. To store the waste safely became very expensive. They may not have known that all these wastes were so dangerous at that time. In 1940s and early 1950s they evidently thought the main precaution to take when viewing a nuclear detonation near ground zero was to wear welding goggles. Today, we know explosions of this type are much more dangerous and should never be done. Unfortunately, the waste from these bombs, mines, and factories is still around.
Thus, the military production of war machines was transformed to make commercial products for civilian use. They had huge stockpiles of toxic nitrate waste from conventional bomb manufacturing. They also had tar and sludge left from the petroleum industry. From aluminum, tin, and other metal production they had toxic stockpiles of hazardous sodium fluoride and the like. And, of course, they had radioactive waste from mining uranium and its production for the bomb, industry, and reactors.
Now that the Second World War was over, the only way to win in commerce was to keep the profits high. Industry leaders ordered the scientists to find uses for all these toxic chemicals, because the storage and disposal costs were killing profits. They also ordered public relations specialists to convince society that mankind and science will provide all the answers with new innovations and nifty gadgetry. This was the “Opulent 50s” and these companies were seen as the backbone of America. If you owned stock in any of these companies, your positions were known as “Blue Chip” and you had a two-car garage and all your children went to college.
So, the super spin began: “We are going to feed the world!” The nitrate waste was put on crops as fertilizer and the crops grow faster. Agriculture boomed. The brag-fest continued: “With the miracles of medicine, Americans will live longer than anyone on Earth.” Accordingly, the petroleum sludge was converted with further chemical manufacturing, and they found that certain compounds would raise and lower heart rates in lab rats. Other compounds would stimulate hormones and other chemical derivatives would lower fat and sugar counts in mice. Animal testing of chemicals made it easy to see what compounds would change body functions and this is how modern pharmaceutical drugs were born.
Unfortunately, aggressive marketing can be highly deceptive. There was no bigger lie than what they came up with as the solution for cavities in human teeth. The truth of the matter is that, to lower cavities, junk-candy production should be reduced or halted. That alone would bring cavities down. However, artificial flavors and sweetener products used to make cheap candy were the result of the laboratory conversion of chemical and agricultural wastes. Therefore, in equal proportion, cavities and candy production increased. At the same time, they had to have a plan to get rid of the toxic sodium fluoride, a substance that should only be handled with extreme care wearing thick rubber gloves and a white helmeted “Hazmat” suit. Yet, they convinced the dentists and the public that fluoride “prevents cavities.” All we have to do, they claimed, is add it to the Nation’s public water supply to keep Americans cavity-free. Most counties and municipalities in America swallowed this line and paid for it with tax dollars and handled the toxic waste themselves. The chemical companies made a profit from selling candy and sodium fluoride and could now issue higher quarterly dividends.
With more profits pouring in from such wastes, the deception got even deeper when the spin doctors sold the public on the “miracle” of atomic energy. They denied and kept quiet about the dangers of all the waste from the atomic weapons and energy production. Mining and handling of raw uranium is dangerous enough, but once it’s enriched and used as fuel, the Depleted Uranium (DU) waste is just as dangerous to your health as the reactor fuel.
The spin was shrewd in presentations to the big military brass and the neo-conservative clique. At the weapon shows they crowed: “Now ONE of your regular soldiers can destroy a tank with a DU-tipped ordnance! Yes, the projectiles are so hard they will go through tank armor like a hot knife through butter. Back in the boardroom the directors told the CEOs that the munitions companies will pay for the DU and haul it off. They said: “We don’t have to pay disposal costs anymore; our customers will just come over to the factory and pick the DU up.”
Perhaps you’re worried by now? You should be. Because that is essentially what happened after the war. All the waste chemicals that were put to use and to make a profit are not healthy for humans and they are not good for the environment. Both the fluoride compounds and DU are toxic-waste byproducts. Fluoride is in the water supply in all 50 American states. Today, DU dust has been spread all over the domestic environment due to weapons testing at home and across the Middle East & Africa due to the overt and covert military operations carried out by the U.S. and certain coalition partners. Our soldiers come home ill and delusional. This is the sick irony of the American Military Industrial Complex. But frankly, I don’t want to risk the food supply or my health on the decisions of chemical weapons experts and worry about all the Uranium many of us are exposed to.
Uranium toxicity is more common than you may think. There are three isotopes of uranium mined from the Earth, 234, 235 and 238. See the three green boxes above for details. This shows the lifespan of their toxic levels.
The natural occurring Uranium isotopes 234, 235 and 238 in the Earth’s crust are also found in food grown near the mined areas. Also, the toxic levels of dust left after impact of DU rounds or from a detonation are around for about 4.5 billion years; the approximate age of the Earth.
All forms of uranium are dangerous with exposure, but DU is more lethal. It is linked to DNA damage, cancer, heart problems, and birth defects with maladies so diverse and numerous that they even have a name to summarize it. Just ask any Iraqi war veteran about their health problems and they simply refer to it as Gulf War Syndrome or Illness. Uncomfortable conditions and symptoms are so varied that suicide becomes a viable option for many vets. We lose more soldiers to suicide than in battle. I recently asked a vet from the Iraqi war if uranium is involved with his illness and he said, “You bet, it’s in all of us.” It’s so hard to believe we are losing so many of our soldiers this way. But just go to the website and see for yourself.
Now, with disasters like Fukushima we are exposed to cesium and uranium increasing radiation health risks more than ever before, especially if you live on the West Coast of the U.S. This disaster is unimaginable. The media will not speak much about it because this was one of the first reactors that the mega blue-chip company General Electric (GE) built. There were flaws in the original design and there’s been a breach; they cannot contain the leak. As of this writing President Trump is meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Abe. I am sure the Fukushima conversation has come up where maybe Abe wants to get GE or someone to help fix the situation. After all, the 2020 Olympics will be in Tokyo. Some experts say that the leakage of radioactivity into Pacific Ocean make any fish caught there unsafe to eat. This is a dire situation.
As of September 10, 2019 the Guardian reports that Japan’s environmental minister recommended releasing more than one million tons of radioactive wastewater for the Fukushima Daiichi plant into the Pacific Ocean nearly a decade after a tsunami caused a meltdown. For years since the disaster, the plant has pumped tens of thousand of tons of water in to help cool its damaged reactor cores and keep them from melting. After the water is used and contaminated with radio nuclides and isotopes, it is stored in the tanks, but the plant expects to run out of room in 2022. It is anyone’s guess as to how or when they will finally solve this deadly travesty.
Are they poisoning us? YES – out of greed and in order to exert control, and it has been that way since the industrial revolution began. But individually we always have tools to be free from heavy toxic metal contamination like uranium in our bodies. This is one of the most revealing and life saving results of the laboratory test; hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). The hair does not lie and today in the lab we can determined the exact levels of over eight toxic metals like uranium and provide the diet schedule to balance the minerals in our cells. With this renewed strength, then all fifty trillion of our cells proceed to rapidly dump unneeded wastes, toxins and heavy metals. The good news is if we have our cells balanced by using the HTMA protocol and we happen to eat at the sushi bar and unknowably consume fish from Japan, fear not! Your cells are now strong enough to take care of you. Life is good!
Have you ever looked at the Periodic Table of Elements? These elements make up everything in the universe! Everything; including us. In fact, we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. In Biblical terms, we are made in God’s image. In chemistry, we are composed mostly of about 40 elements on the Periodic Table. Our make up is essentially the combination of elements made flesh, with the spark of spirit that gives us life.
In the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), the biological activity of 37 Elements is measured. They are: 15 important Nutritional Elements, 8 Toxic Heavy Metals, 14 Trace Elements. With the information of the HTMA, we now know what is available and being used in the body or what is lacking. Health begins to deteriorate when cell metabolism does not have the right foods and elements it needs. A mineral imbalance follows. Over time, function goes down and structure begins to lose its integrity. With the right foods and a balance of elements on a daily basis the body’s cells will repair and reverse aging.
The HTMA will show:
Contact Johnny to order your HTMA today - $226 USD
Best Selling author Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers to use the scientific modality - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), to get the right diet and supplements to experience life free of disease. The guessing game to achieve good health is over. Today he gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry.
Johnny Delirious, Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor, gives expert advice with 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry to his patients to heal using food and Ancient Greek therapies all backed by modern laboratory science. He is unquestionably the only TRUE Addiction & Hepatitis A, B and C Recovery Pioneer free of mood altering substances (cocaine) since 1991, no viral load or antibodies of hepatitis since 1994 and no cirrhosis since 1995. Nobody in his life including doctors, friends and family thought he would live passed 1992, they all said he was going to die. But, Johnny chose life; not death and learned how to heal his body, mind and spirit by developing new protocols with natural therapies. For over 20 years he has helped many others recover including professionals - doctors, dentists, lawyers who don't want chemical drugs or surgery recover from the same conditions that everyone said were hopeless. Contact Johnny for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), get the right diet, supplements plus expert advice with 30 years of experience
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