For the people who don’t want those embarrassing moments of body odor and want to smell better, are underarm deodorants really helpful? They may hide the odor and keep you dry, but is it really healthy? Most products have ingredients that block sweat glands to avoid underarm perspiration. Many deodorants have aluminum compounds that are absorbed into the underarm area to keep it dry. We all remember the catchy commercials - “raise your arm if your sure.” However the aluminum and other ingredient sweat blockers are absorbed and specifically into the lymphatic system. This backs-up the body’s cleansing process and this toxic heavy metal with other ingredients have a damaging effect. Remember the skin is our largest organ and everything we put on our skin goes into our body.
The real reason people have bad odor is because they have too many toxins in their body and the lymphatic system and the skin are trying to purge them out. The lymphatic system is responsible for taking away the toxins and will get over loaded when it has too many to handle. The arm pit area is grand central station for lymphatic glands, they are all around. This is one reason why the arm pits may have a bad odor, too many toxins are in one area and when you perspire they do not smell good.
To be clear, the older we get the more toxins we build up and if we are using antiperspirants the ingredients like aluminum build up as well. When the toxins, aluminum and other harmful compounds concentrating in one area (the arm pit); the endocrine system and the hormones are thrown out of balance and in women there is an increase of estrogen. Most people never do regular cleansing programs and the excess buildup of toxins for decades is dramatic. The body is working as hard as it can to get rid of them and the lymphatic toxin disposal final destination is in the colon where they are discharged and this takes place by the process of elimination. Unfortunately, because of an over burdened supply, these toxins get reabsorbed into the blood stream and since the liver filters the blood, it has to detoxify these extra poisons all over again. This closed loop is called the enterohepatic circulation cycle. Every stop along the way aluminum will cause cellular and functional disruption. Over time, our body systems and immunity gets weaker and weaker and diseases like breast cancer get started. After all, the breast is near the arm pit and that is ground zero for toxin and aluminum buildup.
Lets just say you are like many people I know who use underarm deodorant everyday and get an occasional vaccine to guard against various diseases. Trust me, it won’t be long before you are overloaded with aluminum and other carcinogenic toxins. Breast cancer risk goes up in women and prostate cancer risk goes up in men. Check the label of your deodorant, did you find aluminum?
Many people opt out of vaccines and there are also safe deodorant alternatives. Certainly none of us want cancer, so if we want to eliminate the aluminum health risk and stop causing harm to people’s nasal senses around us a good detoxification program is a good way to go. If we are free of toxins, then we do not have unpleasant body odor even when we sweat. Regular enemas or colonics before bed each night will be the quickest way to detoxify. It maybe difficult to believe but I have witnessed it over and over again. After a few weeks of nightly colonics before bedtime the smell is gone, even with sweat. The primary constraint to achieving this is that most people don’t have the time to do a complete detoxification program with enemas or a colonic every night. For some, it's more work and it takes discipline to follow through every evening, because its a nightly routine and you are never done. It is the best detoxification therapy I have found, but it has to be adopted as a lifestyle to be effective.
If enemas or colonics are not an option an easy alternative to achieve detoxification is to start consuming food grade activated charcoal. Either powder, tablets or capsules. Consume a little charcoal one hour after each meal and at bedtime. As long as you have regular daily bowel movements, then within a few weeks your odors will dramatically be unnoticed. This is the good news for action people on the go. The following chart will give some more tips on how to find a toxic free deodorant if you want one. Whether finding a safe deodorant or detoxifying you now have the tools to eliminate those embarrassing moments of body odor, avoiding heavy metals like aluminum and staying healthy at the same time.
Have you ever looked at the Periodic Table of Elements? These elements make up everything in the universe! Everything; including us. In fact, we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. In Biblical terms, we are made in God’s image. In chemistry, we are composed mostly of about 40 elements on the Periodic Table. Our make up is essentially the combination of elements made flesh, with the spark of spirit that gives us life.
In the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), the biological activity of 37 Elements is measured. They are: 15 important Nutritional Elements, 8 Toxic Heavy Metals, 14 Trace Elements. With the information of the HTMA, we now know what is available and being used in the body or what is lacking. Health begins to deteriorate when cell metabolism does not have the right foods and elements it needs. A mineral imbalance follows. Over time, function goes down and structure begins to lose its integrity. With the right foods and a balance of elements on a daily basis the body’s cells will repair and reverse aging.
The HTMA will show:
Contact Johnny to order your HTMA today - $226 USD
Best Selling author Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers to use the scientific modality - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), to get the right diet and supplements to experience life free of disease. The guessing game to achieve good health is over. Today he gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry.
Johnny Delirious, Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor, gives expert advice with 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry to his patients to heal using food and Ancient Greek therapies all backed by modern laboratory science. He is unquestionably the only TRUE Addiction & Hepatitis A, B and C Recovery Pioneer free of mood altering substances (cocaine) since 1991, no viral load or antibodies of hepatitis since 1994 and no cirrhosis since 1995. Nobody in his life including doctors, friends and family thought he would live passed 1992, they all said he was going to die. But, Johnny chose life; not death and learned how to heal his body, mind and spirit by developing new protocols with natural therapies. For over 20 years he has helped many others recover including professionals - doctors, dentists, lawyers who don't want chemical drugs or surgery recover from the same conditions that everyone said were hopeless. Contact Johnny for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), get the right diet, supplements plus expert advice with 30 years of experience
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