Resources & Alumni

The Future of The Master Survivor University


The National Health Federation

Established in 1955, the National Health Federation (NHF) is the oldest health freedom organization on the planet, the ONLY such organization working to protect individuals’ rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without government restrictions. With consumer members all over the world, and a Board of Governors and Advisory Board containing representatives from different countries, it is the only such organization with a seat at Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “food code”), and one of only five consumer groups present at Codex meetings in a room of country and industry delegates whose motivations are often at odds with the best interest of the people of the world. As a current member of National Health Federation. this is Dr. Johnny's first resource.



Aqua-Chi Machine

All disease is cell disease!! Our major health objective should be to have healthy cell molecules. There must be a balance of positive and negative ions in cells and molecules. If the atoms or molecules lose electrons, the atoms and molecules become positively-charged ions. If they gain electrons, they become negatively-charged ions. The Aqua Chi technique of cleansing through the feet provides a full-body purge of all vital organs. This can alleviate menopause symptoms, menstrual cramps, sexual health problems, skin problems, acne, sleep problems, restlessness, stress, toothaches, wrinkles, aches and pains, and yeast infections. 


Where you save time because you don’t need to sift through an overwhelming mountain of conflicting health care information. And save money because we feature and only recommend the highest quality health products at the best prices on the Internet.


The Truth Hound by "Stop the Presses"

This is the official blog of longtime American investigative reporter Mark Anderson, who created Stop the Presses as a loose-knit news association tool to increase the impact of the alternative media. Anderson took what the late, great Bilderberg reporter Jim Tucker passed on to him and reassessed how to cover the Bilderberg group--going beyond simply reporting on the group's annual conference. That led to Anderson's unique groundbreaking reporting on the Global Cities movement that elites from Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Chatham House, among other globalist outlets, are working on year-around in order to replace nation states with a worldwide network of municipal, corporate, banking, high-tech, big medical and big media elites who are seeking to "privatize" government itself by corporatizing the democratic process. Anderson is also the only known alternative reporter with press credentials to cover the U.S. Congress via American Free Press. See

World Impact News

This website, launched in the spring of 2020, is co-produced by longtime Bilderberg and congressional reporter Mark Anderson and constitutionalist Pastor Jason Mangum. They collaboratively engage in reporting and commentary to deeply explore key issues of the day from a constitutional and Christian perspective, with a no-holds-barred approach that seeks to get to the bottom of controversial issues and motivative viewers to get involved and make their town, their state and their nation a better, more prosperous place to live in harmony with Christian principles. Anderson and Mangum also post the audio from their videos on 10 different podcasts including Spotify, Anchor etc. Written reports, commentaries and petitions for action are posted as well.

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