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Hope is a Molecule

Johnny Delirious • December 16, 2019
Depression and anxiety are plaguing the population today and this a big issue for even the average individual. Today's world is a busy place with too many stressors and everyone trying to get the best out of it to improve their lives.

Many people eat the wrong foods and some take too many supplements. They waste their money and create anxiety. They don’t realize that without the proper mineral balance from the right diet, their brains will not make enough neurotransmitters. These molecular peptides facilitate different moods and when they are missing we have a bad day or week. I found this out the hard way, wanting to get rid of hepatitis C. My stress and depression became a problem. I soon realized that I was on the wrong diet plus all the supplements I was taking made my cortisol levels increase. Since my brain was not making enough neurotransmitters it was chemically impossible for me to achieve any form of happiness. Yes, hope is a molecule.

In the beginning of my recovery, I took many nutritionals, operating on the premise of that product’s sales pitch, but it seemed that my stress levels kept going up. Whether due to supplement overload, the wrong foods or just stress from worry in its basic raw form, my adrenals still fired off and more cortisol kept getting into my system while my brain was not making enough neurotransmitters. There were too many extra compounds into my body and my liver and that stifled key chemical processes. The endocrine system was also out of balance and my glands could not produce key hormones when I needed them. This was another factor causing extra stress. Biochemically it became a burden and my different systems were either overwhelmed or simply shut down. Let’s not forget that the liver is the organ responsible for maintaining proper blood chemistry. With the wrong diet and all of those extra compounds from the supplements I was consuming, as well as the increased cortisol, it was all a perfect storm to overwhelm my liver, kidneys and endocrine system. How did I finally escape this vicious cycle that is plaguing so many Americans?

I went into serious contemplation and prayed. Soon an answer came. Just keep it simple! So, I stopped taking all those extra nutritionals and just followed the diet and supplement schedule from my hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). In short, I ate only the foods and the supplements the report recommends. This simplified everything. In reality, as shown in my HTMA report, I was now getting more of the foods and minerals that I needed and stopped consuming those foods and supplements that I really did not need, thus eliminating the burden on my liver and on my glands. Within just a few short days, I was able to relax. I slept deeper and during the day I was able to be calm in my body and my mind because the stress was gone; I felt secure and self-confident. What a difference! One client who did the same thing told me: “I not only feel better, but I am saving so much money. My grocery bill is cut in half and I don’t have to buy that latte every morning now; plus I am not spending hundreds of dollars on supplements every month – thanks!”

In summary, taking too many supplements and eating the wrong foods raises stress, cortisol levels and the brain can’t make enough neurotransmitters. Without these polypeptide molecules a sense of well being is impossible. Emotionally and biochemically this is a vicious cycle. By getting off the merry-go-round of random supplement and diet intake, I avoided several major biological challenges that accelerate our aging process and lead to disease. One, by stopping all those extra supplements, the endocrine system has a chance to rest and heal. Now balanced hormones are available when needed and the stress does not go up when they are missing. Two, and most importantly, your body lowers and eliminates cortisol levels that contribute to cancer, arthritis, reduced immunity response and weight-gain. The immunity response is your first line of defense to resist illness. Three, you are able to cope with challenges and emergencies on a more focused and rational basis with confidence. Four, you sleep better and have more inner security and self-reliance. I knew I was on the right track, however how did I clean all the extra compounds overloaded in my body once and for all? Well, my body did it when it only had the diet and supplement schedule of the HTMA. This made the chemistry in my body simple. Then my brain could any of the neurotransmitters needed. These polypeptide molecules relieved my dispassion. Just keep it simple. Yes, hope is a molecule. When you are balanced and have hope you feel good everyday and don’t get sick. This is the key to happiness.
By Johnny Delirious August 18, 2024
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD says on Aug 14 · Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD The ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine), FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) and all other boards that have engaged in warfare against doctors and humanity need to be prosecuted. She said, “I refused to get recertified with the ABIM but went with the alternative” NBPAS are being attacked by ABIM as to keep their monopoly. However, hospitals are now accepting this alternative, which would allow Dr. Kory to still get privileges. We need to build a parallel healthcare system outside of these pharma owned fraudsters who have no honor and no conscience. The future of medicine is ruined forever, if we allow such bought and paid for private organizations control over healthcare. I hope Drs. Nass, Kory and Marik go to war. Go get 'em!
Three women in black swimsuits are standing next to each other on the beach.
By David L. Watts, Ph.D., Director of Research, Trace Elements March 13, 2022
Many clients have asked questions about the metabolic subtypes that are determined in the HTMA mineral patterns. Although each type is described in individual reports, this discussion will provide further details. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Metabolic Types The Sympathetic Metabolic Type 1, is also known as Fast Metabolic Type 1. The Parasympathetic Metabolic Type 1 is known as the Slow Metabolic Type 1. In review, the Fast Type 1 indicates a dominance of the Sympathetic nervous system, while the Slow Metabolic Type 1 is indicative of Parasympathetic neurological dominance. Typically when the Sympathetic Nervous system is dominant the Sympathetic endocrines making up the Sympathetic Neuroendocrine System (SNES) will also be dominant and includes; Ventromedial Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (zona fasciculata) Adrenal Medulla Thyroid Testosterone Progesterone Parasympathetic neurological dominance is associated with the Parasympathetic Endocrine System (PNES) dominance and includes: Lateral Hypothalamus Posterior Pituitary Adrenal Cortex (anabolic) Thymus Pancreas (endocrine) Parathyroid Estrogen Generally speaking the stimulatory endocrine and sedative endocrines correspond to the neurological dominance. However, due to various stages of stress the two can be intermingled. Slow Metabolic Type 2 Below is a graphic presentation of the Slow Metabolic Type 2 mineral pattern.
A man is sitting on a park bench with his head in his hands.
By Johnny Delirious March 6, 2022
Stress levels whether acute or chronic are shown in the sub-categories of the metabolic types. Developed by Hans Selye, these are the alarm, resistance, recovery and exhaustion stages. The HTMA will show the metabolic typing and indicate these different degrees of stress making it easier to determine and utilize specific therapy to work with. Within these categories we are using nutritional support (both with food and supplementation) that helps lower stress and working in harmony with the body. The following is a brief:
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